When I was younger I thought being a SAHM would be a glamorous, relaxing job. Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to stay at home with my little one, and I'm very thankful that my husband's job allows me to do this, but it's not at all what I imagined most days. Here's a brief summary of my day so far: get up, change diaper, realize I still haven't gotten clean diapers from yesterday put away, attempt to feed baby in between her screaming fits of tummy ache, change poopy diaper, try feeding again, get myself ready and scarf down some food, baby's really hungry this time, change poopy diaper, feed baby in between more screaming while on the phone with my mom, get a call saying I forgot to pay a bill on time. The lady tells me I'm never late and asks why. I apologize and try to explain that life is a little crazy right now all the while trying to finish feeding Aislyn without another screaming fit. The lady was nice enough to take my payment over the phone and wave the fee so that I don't have to write out a check. Time to make lunch, but I have to take the trash out before I can throw anything away because somehow it's overflowing again. Baby isn't thrilled with me putting her down, and fusses when I'm not holding her. Finally lunch is done and hubby is home. As soon as I sit down, baby decides she really will eat now and even without screaming! Her tummy is
better for now. She falls asleep while eating. Meanwhile I just give my food to my husband, because I don't even like what I made for lunch, but my husband loves it and it was easy, so that's what we had. While she sleeps I vacuum, mop, and clean the kitchen counters and bathroom in record speed. I attempt to work on paying bills, but she wakes up unhappy. Time for a diaper change, and she acts hungry but is crying as she tries to eat again. She then falls back asleep and I realize it's almost 3:00, I still haven't really eaten lunch, I'm exhausted, I have to leave shortly for a hair appointment, and I have piles of laundry all over the house as well as stuff I bought Friday that I still have not put away. My small group will be here tonight. Actually, they will probably be here before I even make it back from my hair appointment because I scheduled it too late. Oh well! Hopefully they won't care about the mess! So, to sum it up, I'm still trying to figure out myself where the last seven hours went. Life is absolute craziness most of the time, but I wouldn't trade it! Being a SAHM is nothing like I imagined it, but I'm so blessed to be given this opportunity each day.
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