Well, it’s been a while. Life has been a little crazy, and
the blog has suffered. We also don’t have a computer at home, and I hate typing
on my phone, so I just haven’t written lately. Here are a few updates since the
last post:
Aislyn is now rolling over both ways and semi-mobile. She’s
really close to crawling, but does a scooting maneuver if she wants to get
somewhere on her own. She can nearly sit up on her own, and is getting stronger
all the time. We’ll be starting solids in a month or so (yikes! How can it be
time for that already?), and she’s definitely not a totally dependent newborn
anymore. I think she’s going to be independent like her mama! Aislyn also LOVES
our cats. She is completely fascinated by them, and they entertain her just by
being in the room. She also loves books. A book can calm down just about any
Silas is still loving his job, and I think things are
beginning to calm down a little. In the month of May, we had something going
nearly every evening. That was a bit stressful. Hopefully he will have time for
a few more of his hobbies, like working on cars and using tools. He wanted a
drill for Father’s Day. I don’t really “get” that kind of stuff, but whatever
makes him happy J.
Next month he’ll be going with fourth graders to camp and also to CIY with the
high school kids. Aislyn and I will be going too, but who are we kidding? I
doubt either of us will actually be any help (especially at a 4th
grade camp)! My goal is just to survive without having a complete meltdown
while being away from home nearly half the month with a five month old in tow.
We’ve started trying to take family walks throughout the
week. A loves the outdoors, and we love the exercise, so everyone benefits.
We’ve also been trying to eat healthier. Ok, really I’ve been buying and
cooking healthier food, and Silas is nice enough to go along. We kind of fell
off of the healthy train when I was pregnant and craved 62 things a day, most
of which were horribly unhealthy! More about that some other time.
Life for me is good (most days). I think I’ve finally
adjusted to the new norm of being a mommy 24/7. That adjustment isn’t quite as
easy as people make it out to be. Occasionally I have a day where I’m
completely overwhelmed (like yesterday), but for the most part I think I’m
doing well, or as well as a sleep deprived lady who smells like puke and speaks
gibberish all day can be. LOTS of my friends are having babies and announcing
pregnancies, but I think I will wait a few more months before I jump back on
that train. I really am enjoying all the time I get with A, and am thankful to
be able to be a stay at home mom. I’ve still volunteering some, but have
reduced the amount of time I spend at the church considerably. I feel like my
focus right now needs to be my husband and daughter.
I think that covers it. We have exciting lives, huh? Sounds
like A is starting to wake up for a nap, so my blog time is over for now!